Learn Programming and English for your IT Career!

404 School is the best programming school in Batumi. Learn Python or learn Java, the essential languages for IT careers.

Learn Programming in Batumi at 404 School

Welcome to 404 School – The best programming school in Batumi, where you can learn Java and Python to master programming!

We’ve discovered the secret: Java and Python and English are your key to the tech world. By mastering these powerful languages, you’ll understand programming so well that learning other languages will be easy. This isn’t just about learning—it’s about transforming your mind for coding excellence.

Our tech experts don’t just teach; they turn curious learners into skilled coders. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to level up, we’re shaping the next generation of tech innovators.

At 404 School, we’re not fixing errors—we’re creating programming experts. Ready to unlock your future and master all of programming? Your journey to tech mastery begins here!

404 Found: Our Unbeatable Advantages

Real-Time Mastery: Instant Feedback Loop

At 404 Programming School in Batumi, our in-person classes supercharge your learning. Jump into hands-on coding sessions with expert instructors right there to help. Encounter a bug? Fix it immediately. Need an explanation? Get it instantly. This direct interaction speeds up your path from theory to practical skills, ensuring you don’t just learn code—you master it.

Global Tech Fluency: Speak the Language of the Industry

You don’t just learn programming in Batumi; we prepare you for the global tech scene. Our classes are all in English—the universal language of IT. This immersion helps you work with international teams, handle global projects, and fit right into the worldwide tech community.

Cutting-Edge Tools: Stay Ahead with the Latest Tech

At 404 School, you get hands-on experience with the most advanced tools and software. Our in-person setup guarantees that you’re always using the latest technologies, keeping you up-to-date with industry trends and ready to handle any challenge in the rapidly changing IT world.

Professional Network Building: Forge Connections That Last

At 404 School, your growth goes beyond the classroom. In our in-person setting, you’ll meet like-minded peers, share ideas, and build lasting professional connections. This collaborative environment not only boosts your learning but also ensures you leave with valuable skills and a strong network to support your tech career.


Learn Java

Platform Independence: Java’s “write once, run anywhere” capability allows code to run on any device with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), making it highly portable across different platforms.

Robustness and Reliability: Java has strong memory management, automatic garbage collection, and exception handling, which reduces the likelihood of errors and enhances the stability of applications.

Rich API and Libraries: Java offers a comprehensive set of APIs and libraries that support various functions, including networking, data structures, and graphical user interface development, which speeds up the development process.

Scalability and Performance: Java is designed to handle both small applications and large, distributed systems efficiently. Its multithreading capabilities and performance optimizations make it suitable for high-performance applications.

Strong Community and Support: Java has a large, active community, ensuring continuous development, regular updates, extensive documentation, and a wealth of third-party resources, making it easier to find solutions and support.

Kickstart your programming journey with this foundational module in Java, perfect for beginners eager to build a strong foundation. You will learn:

  • Core concepts of Java, including how to write your first program, work with inputs, comments, and strings
  • Variables, data types, and performing calculations with numbers
  • Mastering control flow through conditional statements, nested conditions, and loops (for, while, break, continue)
  • Working with strings, indexes, slices, and arrays for data manipulation
  • Introduction to methods, handling local and global variables, and the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • Creating and managing objects, using lists with objects, and eliminating repetitive code through method and constructor overloading
  • Understanding primitive and reference variables, and separating program logic from the user interface
  • Exploring programming paradigms and delving into algorithms to solve real-world problems

With practical coding exercises and a final project, this course equips you with the essential skills to begin programming in Java and prepares you for more advanced topics.

Expand your Java skills by diving into GUI development with JavaFX and mastering advanced programming concepts in this comprehensive module. You will learn:

  • A short recap of essential Java topics like HashMaps and grouping data efficiently
  • Class inheritance, interfaces, and polymorphism to enhance object-oriented programming
  • Handling collections as streams for effective data manipulation and implementing the Comparable interface
  • Advanced techniques, including class diagrams, packages, exception handling, and file processing
  • Type parameters, managing randomness, and working with multidimensional data structures like ArrayList and hash tables
  • Building interactive graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using JavaFX, working with various UI components, and handling events across multiple views
  • Integrating multimedia into your applications and developing larger projects using JavaFX

Throughout this course, you will work on practical coding tasks and a final project that showcases your ability to build complex applications with a user interface, preparing you for real-world Java development.

Enhance your Java development skills by mastering database management and integration in this specialized module. You will learn:

  • The fundamentals of databases, SQL, and how to work with relational databases
  • Connecting Java applications to databases using JDBC, including transaction management for ensuring data integrity
  • Exploring Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks and how they simplify database operations in Java
  • Working with Spring Data JPA to seamlessly interact with databases and automate complex data handling tasks
  • Managing databases, exploring advanced topics such as schema migrations, caching, and performance optimization
  • Techniques for boosting application performance and maintaining efficient database structures

Through hands-on exercises and a final project, this course will equip you with the skills needed to integrate robust database solutions into your Java applications.

Take your Java skills to the next level by mastering advanced programming techniques in this dynamic module. You will learn:

  • Multithreading fundamentals, synchronization techniques, and how to avoid common concurrency issues
  • Parallel programming with the Java Concurrency Framework, leveraging the Streams API for efficient data processing
  • Building network applications, working with HTTP and web services, and utilizing WebSockets for real-time communication
  • Deepening your knowledge of collections, I/O basics, and advanced non-blocking I/O (NIO)
  • Handling exceptions effectively and logging critical application data for debugging and monitoring
  • Performing advanced file operations and executing asynchronous operations to improve performance and responsiveness

Throughout the course, you’ll develop advanced applications and demonstrate your skills in a final project, preparing you for complex real-world Java programming challenges.

Unlock the full potential of Java enterprise development by diving into the Spring Framework in this in-depth module. You will learn:

  • The basics of the Spring Framework and how to create simple Spring applications
  • Spring Boot, auto-configuration, and efficient application launch practices
  • Building web applications with Spring MVC and creating RESTful web services
  • Leveraging Spring Data JPA to simplify data access and querying
  • Securing your applications with Spring Security, OAuth2, and JWT for authentication and authorization
  • Integrating Spring with other technologies and frameworks to build comprehensive systems
  • Writing and testing Spring applications, employing Spring AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) for modularity
  • Exploring reactive programming with Spring WebFlux, and applying design patterns in Spring projects

Through hands-on exercises and a final project, you’ll develop the expertise needed to build scalable, secure, and high-performance enterprise-level applications with Spring.

Master the essentials of testing and DevOps in Java applications with this comprehensive module. You will learn:

  • Testing fundamentals, including various types of testing, with hands-on experience in JUnit, TestNG, and Mockito for unit and integration testing
  • Setting up continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, with practical experience using Jenkins
  • Docker and Docker Compose for containerizing applications, and managing infrastructure with Ansible and Terraform
  • Spring Cloud Config for managing configurations in distributed systems, and leveraging Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring and metrics collection
  • Using the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for logging and analysis, along with DevSecOps practices to ensure security throughout the development lifecycle
  • Enhancing container security and learning advanced techniques for safeguarding applications

By completing practical exercises and a final project, this module equips you with the skills necessary to implement testing and DevOps practices, ensuring the reliability and scalability of your Java applications.

Learn Python in Batumi at 404 School

Learn Python

Simplicity and readability: Python’s clean syntax makes it easier to learn and understand, especially for beginners.

Versatility: Python is used in various fields including web development, data science, AI, machine learning, and automation.

Large community and extensive libraries: Python has a vast ecosystem of third-party packages, making development faster and more efficient.

Rapid prototyping: Python allows for quick development of ideas and concepts, making it ideal for startups and research.

Strong in data analysis and scientific computing: Python excels in handling and processing large datasets, making it popular in academia and research.

Start your journey into Python programming with this foundational module, designed to give you a strong grasp of the language’s core concepts. You will learn:

  • Python basics, including working with variables, user input, and print statements
  • Arithmetic operations, conditional statements, and loops to control program flow
  • Handling strings, lists, dictionaries, and tuples for effective data management
  • How to define and work with functions, including concepts of local and global variables
  • File handling for reading and writing data, along with error handling techniques
  • Introduction to modules, randomness, and date/time manipulation
  • Essential algorithmic thinking and basic data processing techniques

Gain hands-on experience through coding exercises and a final project, laying the foundation for more advanced Python development.

Take your Python skills to the next level by diving into advanced programming concepts and game development with Pygame in this exciting module. You will learn:

  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) principles, including defining classes, methods, encapsulation, and class hierarchies
  • Mastering OOP techniques and applying them in larger applications
  • Advanced topics like recursion, list comprehensions, functional programming, and generators
  • Regular expressions for powerful text processing
  • Game development fundamentals with Pygame, including animation, event handling, and building a complete game project
  • Deepening your understanding of recursion and comprehensions through additional examples

This module combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on practice, culminating in a game project and a final review of key concepts to sharpen your Python expertise.

Dive into the world of big data with this advanced module, focusing on data manipulation, analysis, and visualization using Python. You will learn:

  • The fundamentals of working with data, including installation and configuration of necessary tools
  • Reading and writing data in various formats such as CSV, Excel, and JSON using pandas
  • Creating and manipulating Series and DataFrames, filtering, sorting, and handling missing values
  • Converting data types, working with categorical data, and performing time series analysis
  • Aggregating data with groupby, applying aggregate functions, and understanding descriptive statistics
  • Visualizing data through graphs and charts with matplotlib or seaborn, and combining datasets using merge, join, and concat
  • Collecting and processing data from APIs and web scraping using BeautifulSoup or Scrapy
  • Introduction to big data processing with Dask or PySpark, optimizing code execution speed with vectorization
  • Collecting and analyzing data for a project, and compiling findings into a comprehensive final report

Through practical exercises and a final project, you’ll gain hands-on experience with big data tools and techniques, preparing you for real-world data analysis challenges.

Step into the world of web development with this hands-on module focused on building dynamic web applications using Flask. You will learn:

  • The fundamentals of web development, including client-server architecture, HTTP requests, and responses
  • Setting up Flask and building a simple “Hello World” web application
  • Defining routes, processing requests, and working with Jinja2 templates to render dynamic content
  • Handling HTML forms, processing form data, and validating input using WTForms
  • Basics of version control with GitHub and the application of design patterns in OOP
  • Uploading, saving files, and implementing decorators for code reuse
  • Core concepts of databases and SQL, along with ORM techniques using SQLAlchemy and migrations
  • Creating an authentication system, access control, and building a RESTful API with Flask
  • Application security fundamentals, focusing on common vulnerabilities and protection strategies

By the end of the module, you’ll build a complete web application as your final project, giving you real-world experience in web development with Flask.

Take your web development skills to the next level with this advanced module focused on Django, a powerful Python web framework. You will learn:

  • Django’s architecture, including the MVC and MTV patterns, and how to set up your first Django project
  • Creating and configuring applications, defining models, and managing databases with Django ORM and migrations
  • Defining URL routes, creating views, and handling requests using both functions and class-based views
  • Working with Django templates to render dynamic content and processing forms with validation
  • Managing static and media files, and setting up a complete user authentication system with registration, login, and logout functionality
  • Implementing access control using groups and permissions, and building RESTful APIs using Django REST Framework
  • Introduction to advanced concepts like Django signals, WebSockets with Channels, and writing tests for your applications
  • Optimizing Django applications through caching and query optimization, and deploying your Django project to a live server

hrough coding exercises and a final project, you will gain the experience necessary to build and deploy sophisticated Django applications ready for production.

Gain expertise in software testing and DevOps practices with this comprehensive module designed for modern Python development. You will learn:

  • The importance of software testing, including unit, integration, and system testing
  • Writing effective tests using pytest and unittest, including advanced features like fixtures, parameterized tests, and test cases
  • Testing RESTful APIs with the requests library and automating UI testing with Selenium
  • Analyzing test coverage using the coverage tool, and improving your test suite for optimal coverage
  • Database testing with dummy data, and leveraging Jenkins to set up CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment
  • Managing dependencies with pipenv or poetry, and automating builds with Docker, including container management with Kubernetes
  • Implementing monitoring and logging with tools like Prometheus, Grafana, and the ELK Stack
  • Using Ansible for configuration management, and applying best security practices in DevOps workflows
  • Optimizing Python applications with profilers and performance analysis tools

By completing a final project that integrates testing and DevOps practices, you’ll be fully equipped to manage and automate Python development workflows in real-world environments.

Master in-demand programming skills at 404 Programming School in Batumi, where our expert instructors will guide you in Python and Java, the essential languages for a successful tech career. Learn in a vibrant, tech-savvy environment with hands-on projects and real-world applications, ensuring you are job-ready upon completion.
Learn Java in Batumi at 404 School

Learn Programming in Batumi

Discover how 404 School can transform you into a Python or Java superhero.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We’ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions to help you find the answers you need quickly and easily. If you can’t find what you’re looking for or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

404 School specializes in Java and Python programming education. Our curriculum spans from foundational concepts to advanced techniques, encompassing web development, data analysis, machine learning, and automation.

Each training program lasts 48 weeks. They are structured into 6 modules, with each module spanning 8 weeks. Students attend classes at our school twice weekly, with each session lasting 2 hours. Additionally, homework is assigned, requiring independent study at home.

No prior programming experience is required to enroll in the full course program. However, students have the option to book individual 8-week modules separately. These standalone modules may have specific prerequisites, which will be assessed before enrollment is confirmed.

Graduates of “404 School” are prepared for diverse IT careers, including web development, data analysis, machine learning, and automation. We offer job placement assistance and provide recommendations to support our alumni in their professional endeavors.